About CXO Equity Partners: Collective Conscious Capitalism.
The driving idea behind CXO Equity Partners is “collective conscious capitalism.”
What is this exactly? It is the use of collective wisdom to grow businesses that have a positive impact on customers, clients, and society at large.
CXO Equity Partners is at the forefront of a major shift in how we think about business. No longer is business simply about “what’s in it for me?” Now it’s about doing what’s right for all the stakeholders involved. And one of those “stakeholders” is the society in which we live. We want to make the world a better place with the businesses we acquire and grow.
Furthermore, CXO Equity Partners recognize the wisdom of groups. We recognize that not all great ideas reside with the founders or principals of a business. Therefore, CXO Equity Partners’ business model is deliberately structured to leverage the wisdom and ideas of all CXO members, from the bottom to the top.

These are the three major mindset shifts embodied by CXO Collective:
• From Self-Centeredness to Collective Consciousness
• From Shareholder to Stakeholder
• From Single-Minded to Collective Minded
These mindset shifts, when put in action, often create Business Breakthroughs.
Click here for case studies on a small sample of companies who’ve recently experienced a breakthrough and experienced tangible growth as a result.
Who We Serve
1. Business owners who want to exit their business now or in the near future.
2. Business owners who are stuck and need help getting to the next level.
3. Business professionals and C-level talent who want to expand their reach, be part of something big, and leverage their talent to acquire equity in growing businesses.
Click here for details on how we help each of these groups reach their goals in a conscious, collaborative, and sustainable manner.